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Ratpack: First Impressions

I first heard about Ratpack about a month ago at Gr8Conf US. I didn't make room in my schedule to go to any of the sessions, but I did add it to my (long) list of stuff to check out. Most things that end up on that list have a 50/50 chance of ever making it into my editor.

Luckily, I found an excuse to check it out - and I'm glad I did. My current project at work requires me to interface with a third party web based API, but that API doesn't actually exist just yet. Using Ratpack, I was able to quickly mock up the API and then code against my mock. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately!), the application is for work and I can't share it. What I can share, however, is my first impression of Ratpack.


The first thing I do when I'm checking out a new library or framework is head straight to the documentation. Ratpack has a manual as well as API docs. The manual (as described in the "How to read the documentation" section) features a high level overview of Ratpack concepts.

Looking through the manual, it's obvious that Ratpack is a work in progress. Several sections are missing entirely and replaced by "TODO" blocks. This was a point of frustration, but between the manual and the API docs I was able to get enough of an understanding to cobble a workable application together. Building a Ratpack application today requires some research and frustrated Googling, but ultimately I was able to find everything I needed.

I imagine the manual in its current state will be more useful for non-Groovy projects, as it seems that a majority of the "TODO" blocks are located in the Groovy section.


After I'm done scanning the documentation, I like to check out examples of the codebase. There's no shortage of example Ratpack applications: you can find five examples here, three of which are Groovy based - example-books, example-ratpack-gradle-groovy-app, and example-ratpack-standalone-groovy-script.

I was working with Gradle, so I checked out example-ratpack-gradle-groovy-app first. Unfortunately, it hasn't been touched in eight months and seems to have stopped working. I was unable to build it, so I moved on to example-books, which is also Gradle based. This one ran, and I was able to poke around a little bit and get a feel for it.

I should note that at this time I didn't really have a strong understanding of how a Ratpack application is structured. There's a lot of stuff going on in example-books, and most of it went right over my head. I ultimately ended up cutting down example-books to create a completely barebones Ratpack example that doesn't really do anything, but writing it helped me get a better grasp on what exactly was necessary to get a Ratpack application started. You can find that example here.


The manual lists two options under the "Setup" heading: the Gradle plugin and Lazybones project templates. At this point, I had no desire to look into Lazybones (which, by the way, seems like a fine project - you can find it right here on GitHub), so I headed to the Gradle section. Unfortunately, it's one of the sections that has nothing but a "TODO."

There is another section of the manual dedicated to building with Gradle, so I'm not really sure what the maintainers are planning to add to the Setup > Gradle section. Regardless, I was able to find what I was looking for in this section and it was trivial to create a Gradle build file that would run my (not yet created) Ratpack application.


One of my favorite things about Groovy is how easy an API can be to work with when using DSLs. Ratpack is no exception: all of your endpoints are configured via the handlers DSL. Here's an example of an application with two endpoints: /hello and /goodbye.

ratpack {
	handlers {
		get("hello") {
			render "Hello, World!"

		get("goodbye") {
			render "Goodbye, World!"

It works exactly as you would expect it to - when navigating to, "Hello, World!" is sent to the browser. And, of course, navigating to results in "Goodbye, World!"

Later this week, I'll be writing another post that looks at the code behind a Ratpack application more in depth. For now, I'll just say that I found Ratpack's DSL very intuitive and I enjoyed writing code with it.


This is a short bullet point, but I just wanted to point out that there is a forum for discussing Ratpack. The forum seems fairly active and I was able to find some very helpful information there.

Final Thoughts

I found Ratpack to be an enjoyable framework to work with. If you don't mind referencing a few different sources of documentation (and probably a bit of trial and error), I would highly recommend checking it out.